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Our Membership

By joining the RSL, you can help other members of the Defence family who might not be as fortunate as yourself – those who are injured or ill, those who are struggling with transition, and the partners and families of those who are serving or who have served.

It’s a way to recognise the service and sacrifice of those who served before us and with us, as well as those who are still serving or will serve after us. It is also a way for you to ensure the voice of veterans is heard by governments, public authorities and the public generally.

Join Murgon RSL

Murgon RSL Sub Branch Membership

The Sub Branch welcomes all serving and ex-serving members of the defence force.

Being in Defence is like being part of a family. Someone always has your back and you’re surrounded by people who share your interests and are working towards the same goals.
Whether you’ve separated from Defence or you’re still serving, as a member of RSL Queensland you become part of a network of volunteers who not only share the bond of service but are also committed to giving back to their Defence family.


Reminder: Annual renewal date is 31st of December. Contact the Sub Branch to renew

Our Membership

How to Join

Simply download the membership form below, fill it in and submit it to Murgon RSL Sub Branch (either in person or by email to our Membership Officer.

Your Service History will also need to be sighted at the Sub Branch before your membership can be finalised.

If you have any questions about becoming a member, phone our office between 9:00am and 3:00pm, Monday to Friday

07 4313 3018

Membership form.

Transferring from another Sub Branch?